1957 15′ Center Steer Walk Through – SOLD! Owned by the same owner for the last 14 years. He is moving away from boating to
1959 Lyman 23' Sleeper - SOLD!
3rd owner selling this boat in excellent condition. Powered by the original 109 Gray.Full mooring cover, top ,cushions, spare motor,All well maintained,Located in S.Bristol Maine.
Call Nat 207-644-8755 In the water till late Sept.
Additional Boats: SOLD!
1957 15′ Lyman Center Steer Walk Through-2 – SOLD! Excellent structural shape, ready for some refinishing or just use the way it is. The motor
1966 25′ Lyman Hardtop Sleeper – SOLD! Hull in good shape, Solid bottom Decks have been glassed. 318 Chrysler with fresh water cooling, bow thruster.
1965 18′ Lyman Outboard – SOLD! Original decks and factory aluminum windshield, Powered by the original 65hp Mercury, runs well and recent service. Some interior
1959 15′ Lyman Forward-Steer Runabout – SOLD! White lapstrake with bright mahogany decks and bright interior. Green Sunbrella cushions, Honda 30, depth finder, mahogany flag
1952 18’ Lyman Islander – SOLD! Owner restored, in good shape, we looked it here at AWBW looked it over recently, Hull is sound, finish
1947 18′ Lyman Islander – SOLD! Barn Find/Estate Sale. Sitting covered since restored. Solid Hull and running gear. 25hp Gray Marine will run. Fully equipped Radio,
1960 18’ Outboard $34,500.00 – SOLD! Complete rebuild almost a new boat, This was a long ongoing restoration over 450 hours of labor. 40k invested.
2 Town Class Sailboats – Both Sold! One mid 1990’s (tan deck, pictured sailing above and on trailer with mast) in excellent shape refinished a